High Altitude High Opening (HAHO)

A parachute insertion technique used to thwart detection by hostile forces on the ground. Parachutists jump out at more than 6,000 metres feet, deploy their chutes, and quietly drift to the predetermined landing site 20 - 25 kilometres away downwind from where they initially jumped out of the plane. This technique can only be carried out by highly-trained parachutists who can navigate in the air. Troops leap from an aircraft above 10,000 metres and possibly across an international border so that they reduce the chances of the aircraft being identified. At this height the soldiers require oxygen and specialist clothing. Within seconds of jumping, the team open parachutes and then perform a series of navigational turns to remain on target. Each team member must check speed and direction and anticipate what moves to stay within range of each other and the target landing site. From a height of 10,000 metres a character can glide around 24 km from the drop point. The team can also carry additional equipment in a rucksack attached between the team members legs. Additional equipment can way as much as 75 kilograms. This is because the paratroopers typically jump in very remote areas and have to bring all their food, guns, survival gear, water, and extra equipment with them. There are quick-releases to lower the rucksack on a lanyard cord just before landing. It's also important to check the lanyard is attached, or you will find your rucksack falling freely away after release.

Mishaps on failures and critical failures. Very similar to a HALO jump except the parachute is opened at very high altitude. A paraglider is used so that the HAHO jumper may steer themselves to the drop zone. Skill rolls, results of failures, and critical failures are the same as for a HALO jump.

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